Sunday, December 27, 2009

Potato Salad Niçoise

It all started a couple weeks ago when I went to get my hair done. I had recently noticed that as my hair got longer, I would find more of it in my hairbrush. I decided to get some advice from my stylist. In return she gave me a Retirement Living magazine to read under the dryer. I am in my twenties. So is she. This is how we communicate.

Not letting her get the best of me, I decided to actually read the magazine. Suffice it to say I learned a lot about varicose veins and their treatment. I did, however, find something that caught my eye. It was a recipe called Potato Salad Nicoise. As I read through it, I noticed the dressing was a mustard vinaigrette, and since I had so much luck with my pear salad, I decided to try this one out as well.

Unfortunately, by the end of my hair appointment, I was a little too embarrassed to ask if I could rip out the recipe from the magazine, so I committed to trying to find it online instead.

I didn’t have much luck finding the original article, but I did come across a similar recipe in Canadian Living (click here for recipe). It’s simple, easy, and quick. It’s also healthy but filling, so it wins major points with me. Oh yeah, the taste is pretty good too.

Okay, first wash cute potatoes like these.

Then chop them up like so

Next, deploy the green beans.

Snap off the ends like this.

Chop up red peppers.

Mix with the dressing. (Olives and spinach not pictured.)

And you'll end up with something like this.


P.S. In case you were wondering, I didn't have grape tomatoes or black olives, so I substituted them for a few romas and marinated kalamata olives. Still tasty.

Oh, and in case you were worried for me, my hair is not falling out. It’s normal. 80 per day I hear. I just wanted to make sure you had some closure on this issue.


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