Sunday, January 3, 2010

Butternut Squash Soup from Easy Vegetarian (Ryland Peters & Small)

Warm soup for the cold winter.

This is dedicated to all my friends here in the frozen North.

There is nothing better than hot soup to warm you up after pushing your car out of a snowbank.


This recipe is from an Easy Vegetarian cookbook I finally decided to crack open. (See. Easy.)

I bought this book because it had a lot of familiar tastes in it and because all the ingredients seemed like they would not be too difficult to find. I don't know if any of you have ever flipped through some of the more fancy (or more vegan) cookbooks, but there are just some ingredients in there that I just don't know either what they are, or where I could possibly find them (other than on the internet).

Another thing I really liked about this book is that every single recipe has a picture accompaniment. I find that it's a lot easier to make something when you know what it's supposed to look like when you're finished. Big selling point for me.

So the soup I decided to make is a butternut squash curry soup. I'm not including the actual recipe because I'm not quite sure how this copyright thing works (can you copyright a recipe?), but I will post my pictures and you can decide for yourself if this book is something you might be interested in picking up.

This is actually the second time I've made this soup. The first time, I followed the directions exactly. The soup turned out a little thick, so I decided to use it as a pasta sauce instead (was yummy). This time I added more liquid so it is much more "soup-like". Also delicious.

The Cast:

Curry Powder, Coarse Salt, Ground Pepper

Butternut Squash, Medium Yellow Onion


Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Milk, Unsalted Butter

First chop squash like so

It comes with seedies like this

Take them out

Then you will have a treasure trove like this

Then chop your onion and melt the butter in olive oil

It WILL smell good.

Spice it up.

Then mix in your squash.

Cook it and chop your nuts while you're waiting.

Add the milk and water to the pot.

Whadd'ya think??

Let it cook for a while till it's all soft.

Then stir in the cashews.

Finally, blend it.


Warm, thick and filling.

P.S. Hot chocolate is also good after braving the cold.